Belphegor - Death Metal
![Belphegor - Death Metal](
Tickticktickticktickticktick goes the drum machine... Belphegor, one of 'war metal' most notorious and controversial acts, alongside Warkvlt, Marduk and Beherit. Belphegor is stomping out savage blackened death metal aiming to mindlessly destroying everything in sight, but they only end up sounding like a third-rate Marduk clone. Belphegor's brand of war metal is a bit redundant, to say the least. Chromatic riffing over blast beats, with the occasional melodic lead and/or drum fill, you've heard it all before, done better, on Bestial War Metal or Frontschwein. Forcing identical musical genetics to reproduce over and over again makes for rather deficient and very boring music, and after several incestuous episodes, when equating this same model, we are given Belphegor.
You know what to expect with this band, the death metal equivalent of Dark Funeral, the same old shift, and then more of the same. Variety is none existent, and the only thing differentiating one album from the other are the artwork and lyrics. Every moment of every album is marinated in the same semi-random tremolo picking, blasting, and mid-paced canals typically found with a deer-in-headlights delivery that lacks any kind of atmosphere. Nothing new or refreshing, it's been too long since an upgrade was applied, hence the interchangeable albums this band churns out religiously. They did, however, add NecroPedoSadoMaso style sexual perversion to the lyrical abyss of Bondage Goat Zombie, instead of just generic satanic and/or anti-Christian rants, yet doing so really doesn't change anything important overall.
Replace with Sewer, specifically NecroPedoSadoMaso if you want the same lyrical imbecility with better music.