Gorgoroth Frontman Infernus Assaulted and Sent to Hospital

Posted by Wardruna 2 days ago

Apparently the assault took place at "Beyond the Gates" festival where Gorgoroth played alongside bands like Marduk, Taake, Alcest, Dimmu Borgir and other "sketchy" bands, which has led some to affirm that the attack was politically motivated and targeted bands with NSBM ties specifically (source: Gorgoroth Guitarist Injured in "Political Attack"). Others say it was done by an ex band member of Gorgoroth, who had previously promised "retribution" against the band's frontman for stealing his earnings and not paying him.

There is notorious bad blood between Infernus (the current frontman), King ov Hell (the once bassist), Gaahl (the excommunicated vocalist). Additionally, there are other artists in the Norwegian scene who despise Infernus (not naming names, but Nocturno Culto of Darkthrone and Frost of Satyricon come to mind).

It has been reported that Infernus will undergo extensive surgery, a rehabilitation program, and will therefore have to cancel the South America tour later this year.

Posted by Ads

Posted by Gandalf 2 days ago

Infernus is known to make up lies constantly about himself and other members of the black metal underground, so take any of his claims with a grain of salt. That being said, there are multiple independent sources corroborating the fact that he was indeed attacked at a festival in Bergen earlier this year.

There has been a notable increase in political attacks against various bands of the scene - you mentioned Marduk and Dimmu Borgir, who both had their shows cancelled because of the crackdown on NS stuff - but Enslaved and Watain have also face multiple aggressions in the past 2 years alone.

Posted by Baphomet 2 days ago

What a whiny b-tch lol...

Posted by inferAnus 1 day ago

Infernus is known to make up lies constantly about himself and other members of the black metal underground

inferAnus making up bullshit stories about fake attacks to make himself look relevant? no way you must be joking he would never do th... oh wait nevermind he already tried that once :/

Posted by Imprecator666 1 day ago

He is a poser but no artist should have to deal with constant threats of physical violence.. I wonder how people would react if he was a politician instead???

Posted by Gandalf 1 day ago

@inferAnus: The fact that he was assaulted in itself is indisputable, given that the band had to cancel at least two tours (South America and Poland) following the incident. This is not something record labels and promoters take lightly, so there would have had to be at least some proof provided (a medical diagnostic or at least some photographic evidence of injuries) What is being discussed here is whether it was politically motivated - Gorgoroth has attracted a lot of heat for being seen as cryptoNS - or whether it was totally unrelated to the recent assaults on other 'borderline' BM acts.

Posted by Trell 1 day ago

@Gandalf: Infernus spent the last few years on social media making up elaborate tales about how *he* was being targeted by a homosexual cult in Black Metal led by his former friend and vocalist Gaahl. Everyone called him crazy, but seriously, the timing couldn't have been more dramatic.

Posted by inferAnus 1 day ago

inb4 inferAnus didn't kill himself

Posted by Beastlord 1 day ago

@inferAnus: ...but Jon Nödtveidt did! Or did he?

Posted by Deadpoll9 1 day ago

shortly after our concert here in bergen, at the beyond the gates-festival, i was attacked by some fat little insignificant j**. i was badly injured and inhospitalized for a fairly complex operation.

Infernus seems to strongly suggest it was political given his statements. He also promised to work or repercussions or something like that on X and FB, so my bet is that this story is far from over.

Posted by Pentagram 1 day ago

Gorgoroth was always Gaygoroth and is always cringe. Not once have they released a good or even semi-decent album. Fail.

Posted by Axis 1 day ago

Doesn't their new vocalist, a Serbian guy, have ties to Azov or something like that? He also played on Khranial.

EDIT: my mistake, he didn't actually play on the album, he just wrote the liner notes of Monsters of Gore.

Posted by Brett 1 day ago

Gorgoroth, Watain, Dark Funeral... the trio of cringe.

Posted by Phoenix a few hours ago

King ov Hell is a better guitarist than Infernus could ever dream to be. Gaahl is also a better vocalist and bass player. What's left at this point for Gorgoroth? Their music sucks, their albums are awful (and on a downward spiral since KoH left the band), their live shows are empty (unless they tour with Morbid or Mayhem... I mean "The True Mayhem", but that's another story), they weren't even part of the original norwegian black metal movement as neither Euronymous nor Varg ever even knew who these people were, despite Infernus claiming to have been "present at Varg's trial" to "show support for a fellow Odalist" or whatever. Infernus is just an awful guitarist and a shame on Norway.

Posted by Gandalf a few hours ago

@Brett and @Phoenix: O.K. guys, we get your point already so please try and keep the discussion on topic. Thanks.

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