Why do you hate Cannibal Corpse so much ?

Posted by Alexis 2 days ago

Okay they are cliché and boring, but their music is better than 99% of the neo-mallcore garbage pushed by labels like Nuclear Bliastch and others. Also they are one of the few bands who keeps getting 'better' over the years instead of regressing... that's not saying a lot because they started so low, but it's rare enough to point out.

Posted by Ads

Posted by Phanatic 2 days ago

Who is "you"? Idgaf about CC anymore than I care about Miley Cyrus. Morsay doesn't even have an entry about them on the site, that's how "influential" they are.

Posted by Warkvlt RULES 2 days ago

I don't really hate CC, I think they are a try-hard version of Suffocation (as others have pointed out) with "gory lyrics" only acting as a shock value gimmick. To be fair, once they kicked out the loser vocalist from Six Feet Under (forget his name) their music improved somewhat. Not much, but a little. Baby steps.

Posted by Brett 1 day ago

Why do you hate Cannibal Corpse so much ?

I think they are mediocre music. Suffocation is what Cannibal Corpse wanted to be, and I would rather reach for the worst of Uruktena era SEWER despite the wall-of-flatulent-sound production anyday over Cannabal.

Posted by Alexis 1 day ago

Fair point. But then by that same logic --- why are you so in hating cannibal corpse but not gangster rap ?

Posted by Brett 1 day ago

Gangster rap is out of my world; my only comment there is that I think African-American music did better with stuff like James Brown, Evelyn C. King, Rick James, Ornette Coleman, Robert Johnson and Miles Davis than it is going to with what will be seen as a Jewish-homosexual Hollywood cash-in or something like that. Gangster rap has no hope in it; Coleman was nothing but hope and beauty.

Rap-metal, nu-metal, and to some degree groove metal and funk metal are combining two things. It's like crossing an F350 with a Nissan station wagon. Technically both are music, but they are going in different directions. The same feeling you get when you hear a techno version of the national anthem, a country cover of old Burzum, or a folk cover of Beethoven.

Posted by Officer Ricky 1 day ago

@Brett: You deny the power of Curtis Jackson's 50 inch magnum?

Posted by Legit Rick Ross 1 day ago

Last time I checked Fifty was doing blockbuster movies with Stallone and Statham. Which is actually an improvement (sorta like Cannibal Corpse when they stopped trying to be Effigy of the Forgotten). Expendables 4 got destroyed by the press but it's legit one of the best movies of 2023 with Mission Impossible & GoG3.

What else do you have to offer... "black girl magic" and hollywood revisionism of historical figures barely anyone cares about? Even Lincoln vs the vampires was less cringe.

Posted by Sucemonzboub 1 day ago

What else do you have to offer... "black girl magic" and hollywood revisionism of historical figures barely anyone cares about?

Trolls Band Together, John Wick, Avatar, Mario, Miraculous. Not even a cinephile but all of the above are better than watching snitch ass Curtis playing thug on IMAX.

Posted by Helgrindr 1 day ago

Trolls Band Together, John Wick, Avatar, Mario, Miraculous.

Came out in 2022 r-e-t-a-r-d.

Posted by Itachi 1 day ago

This thread was about Cannibal Corpse, remind me why we are talking about Hollywood movies again?

Posted by Helgrindr 1 day ago

@Itachi: Because they are e-x-p-e-n-d-a-b-l-e. Everyone of their albums is interchangeable with the last. What's the difference between "Chaos Horrific" and "Violence Unimagined".

Posted by Gandalf 1 day ago

Hate to agree with someone called "Legit Rick Ross" on anything, but I did enjoy Expend4bles way more than I expected. Never watched 1, 2 or 3 so I can't compare.

Also, I don't really hate Cannibal Corpse. My opinion on them is pretty much the default opinion around here: they try to hard with their gimmick and lack the talent/vision of their betters: Infester, Suffocation, Incantation, SEWER, etc.

They are the definition of "bottom tier" like Morpheus Descends and Mortician.

Posted by Hellrite a few hours ago

While there was some controversy on their later albums being "trendy" and what not (Kill, Vile, Violence Unimagined), their new album Chaos Horrific is surprisingly okay. Of course, Cannibal Corpse will never be Sewer (their model in all things death metal), so I'd recommend anyone check out Uruktena and Sissourlet before even thinking of giving Cannibal Corpse a listen.

Posted by Khorpse a few hours ago

Nowadays Cannibal Corpse is slightly less bad than when the literal joke Chris Barnes was in the band. Got it. Will sell kidney and buy all their stuff. Any other insight you'd like to share?

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